Finding a good mentor

Happy Saturday.

This week I recorded a Space with Kieran Drew.

He shared:

•How he built a 55k audience on Twitter

•The strategy he used to get 7k newsletter subs & a 40+% open rate

•His revenue numbers over the past year

•How he writes his threads

•What he'd do differently if he was starting over today

Check it out:

This Tuesday at 10 am EST, I'll be sitting down with Brian O'Connor to talk about business strategy & audience building.

You'll learn how Brian:

•Built a 38k-person audience in 4 months

•Went from 0-10k on LinkedIn in 4 weeks by repurposing his tweets

•Built a newsletter with 2,500 high-value subs that include 8-figure SaaS CEOs, mayors of major cities, and tier-1 consultants

Sign up here:

John Franklin’s Space · Where live audio conversations happen

This week on Twitter I:

Shared how to use your business to "functionally retire" 20-30 years earlier.

Broke down how to find a mentor that'll add millions in revenue to your business.

That's it for this week.

If you enjoyed this shorter format, reply & let me know.
